Order Calculator

  £1=    Ksh 170
Last updated on 07/02/2025

Important currency information

  •  Your order will be quoted and converted from £ STG POUND to Kenyan Shillings (KSH) using the currency calculator. The exchange rate £ STG POUND to Kenyan Shillings (KSH) is based on The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) £ STG POUND Selling daily exchange rate. We will never excide £ STG POUND daily selling rate by CBK and at times we may offer a lower rate to maximise customer orders.
  •  Standard (local) delivery is from the online retailers to our U.K warehouse address. Some orders have free local deliveries which we will honour others have a free orders with a limited purchase amounts which unless the minimum purchase is spent then a delivery fee is charged by the retailer. This needs to be paid before items are dispatched to you.
  •  Standard delivery3-5 days &Express delivery items delivered NEXT DAYfrom retailerto our UK warehouse. All items will be in Nairobi between 10 - 14 working days from when payment is made.
  •  All our prices include clearing and freight
  •  Paying using      Lipa Na M-PESA >Pochi La Biashara > 0716 379 614
  •  Paying using     0736340450          



 MPESA > Pochi La Biashara > Enter Number >07163 79614 PAY 0736 340 450 ENTER VOUCHER CODE


 £1=  Ksh 170

Last updated on 07/02/2025

We will process your items within 24 hours of receiving your order. You Will Receive Notification of Any Delay Or Cancellation of Your Order.
Air Freight Rates Are Tax Inclusive


We also provide a telephone ordering support to registered customers, when placing a order. Call our Customer Service Centre on

 +447886466934     0716 379 614     0736 340 450